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Jack Torres
Jack Torres

E-sosial ilə özünüməşğulluq proqramlarına qoşulun

What is and why you should use it is an online portal that provides access to social protection rights and services in Azerbaijan. It is a unified social register that contains information about citizens, their social status, income, pensions, benefits, employment, disability, etc. is operated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, which aims to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of social protection services in the country.

If you are a citizen of Azerbaijan or a foreigner residing in Azerbaijan, you can use to apply for various social protection services, such as pension, unemployment, disability, child care, social assistance, etc. You can also check your pension capital, find vacancies, access e-services, and get information about your social protection rights. is available in Azerbaijani, English, and Russian languages.

The benefits of offers many benefits for users who want to access social protection services in Azerbaijan. Here are some of them:

Access to social protection rights and services allows you to access various social protection rights and services that are provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population. You can find out what services you are eligible for, what documents you need to submit, how much money you will receive, how long it will take to process your application, etc. You can also get information about the legislation, regulations, and procedures related to social protection in Azerbaijan.

Online application and registration enables you to apply for social protection services online without visiting any offices or waiting in queues. You can register on the portal using your ID card number or ASAN login (a single sign-on system for public services in Azerbaijan). You can then fill in the online application forms and upload the required documents. You can also track the progress of your application or request online.

Mobile applications for Android and iOS also has mobile applications for Android and iOS devices that allow you to access the portal from anywhere and anytime. You can download the apps from Google Play Store or App Store for free. The apps have the same features as the website, such as applying for services, checking pension capital, finding vacancies, accessing e-services, etc.

How to use

Using is easy and convenient. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Create an account and log in

To use, you need to create an account on the portal using your ID card number or ASAN login. You will then receive a confirmation code via SMS or email that you need to enter on the portal to activate your account. You can then log in to your account using your username and password.

Choose the service you need

Once you log in to your account, you will see a dashboard with different categories of services, such as social security, employment, disability, child care, etc. You can click on the category that matches your needs and browse through the available services. You can also use the search function to find a specific service.

Fill in the required information and submit

After you choose the service you need, you will see an online application form that you need to fill in with the required information, such as your personal details, income, family members, bank account, etc. You will also need to upload the necessary documents, such as your ID card, certificate of residence, proof of income, etc. You can use the help function to get guidance on how to fill in the form and what documents you need. You can also save your application as a draft and continue later. When you are done, you can submit your application and get a confirmation number.

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Frequently asked questions about

Here are some of the most common questions that users have about and their answers:

What is the unified social register?

The unified social register is a database that contains information about citizens and their social protection rights and services. It is used by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population and other relevant agencies to provide social protection services, monitor the implementation of social policies, and prevent fraud and abuse. The unified social register is updated regularly with data from various sources, such as civil registry, tax authority, health insurance, etc.

What are the types of social protection services available on offers a wide range of social protection services for different groups of people, such as pensioners, unemployed, disabled, children, families, etc. Some of the services are:

  • Pension: You can apply for old-age, disability, survivor's, or social pension, check your pension capital, calculate your pension amount, change your pension bank account, etc.

  • Unemployment: You can apply for unemployment benefit or allowance, register as a job seeker, find vacancies, participate in active labour market programs, etc.

  • Disability: You can apply for disability determination or re-determination, disability benefit or allowance, technical aids or prosthetic devices, rehabilitation services, etc.

  • Child care: You can apply for child benefit or allowance, birth grant, adoption grant, foster care allowance, etc.

  • Social assistance: You can apply for targeted social assistance (a means-tested cash transfer for low-income families), heating subsidy (a seasonal subsidy for heating expenses), food aid (a monthly food package for vulnerable groups), etc.

How can I check the status of my application or request?

You can check the status of your application or request on by logging in to your account and clicking on the "My applications" or "My requests" section. You will see a list of your applications or requests with their status (such as pending, approved, rejected, etc.) and date. You can also view the details of each application or request and download a copy of it.

How can I contact the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population?

If you have any questions or complaints about or any social protection service, you can contact the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population by using one of the following methods:

  • Call center: You can call 141 from any phone within Azerbaijan or +994 12 141 from abroad. The call center operates 24/7 and provides information and consultation in Azerbaijani, English, and Russian languages.

  • Email: You can send an email to with your name, ID card number, phone number, and question or complaint.

  • Online feedback: You can fill in an online feedback form on by clicking on the "Feedback" button on the homepage. You will need to enter your name, email address, phone number, subject, and message.

  • Social media: You can follow the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population on Facebook ( Twitter ( Instagram ( YouTube ( or Telegram ( and send them a direct message or comment on their posts.

How can I update my personal information on

You can update your personal information on by logging in to your account and clicking on the "My profile" section. You will see your personal details such as name, [user]( surname, date of birth, gender, marital status, etc. You can edit any of the fields and click on the "Save" button to update your information. You can also change your password, email address, phone number, or security quest


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